
Podia vs Teachable 2024: Which Is Better Online Course Platform?

While you are on the verge of creating online courses, you might have questions like “What should my course be about?”, “How can I make money from it?” or “Where’s the best place to put my course online?”

Choosing the right platform to host your course is super important. You need one that suits your needs and can grow with you.

But wow, there are so many options for course platforms out there, and new ones keep showing up!

It can feel really overwhelming to pick the right one.

What if you make the wrong choice, and it affects how successful your course is? But don’t worry, and I’m here to help you out!

In this article, I’m going to compare two well-known online course platforms: Podia and Teachable.

I’ll talk about what features are important and show you what each platform does best, as well as where they might not be as strong. This will help you figure out which one might be the perfect fit for you.

Let’s dive in and find out all about Podia and Teachable!

Podia vs Teachable 2024 Comparison At A Glance

Feature Teachable Podia
Product Types Courses, Coaching Courses, Downloads, Webinars, Coaching, Memberships, Communities
File Size Limit for Uploads 2GB 5GB
Course Creation Standalone courses, drip content, quizzes, certificates Standalone courses, drip content, quizzes, certificates
Community Feature Requires integration with Circle (extra cost) Built-in, free or paid, unlimited members
Website Building Customizable storefront for courses and coaching Full website with unlimited pages, sales pages, landing pages
Marketing Tools Email marketing, affiliate program, student referral program Email marketing, affiliate marketing, live chat messaging
Third-party Integrations Limited native integrations Extensive native integrations
Payment Processing Multiple options, including daily, weekly, monthly payouts Stripe and PayPal, instant payouts
Pricing Plans Free plan (10% transaction fee + $1 per sale), Basic ($39/month with 5% transaction fee), Professional ($119/month), Business ($499/month) Free plan (8% transaction fee), Starter ($9/month), Mover ($39/month), Shaker ($89/month)
Transaction Fees Varies by plan No transaction fees on paid plans
Unique Selling Points Advanced course compliance tools, more customization in course building All-in-one platform, larger file size limit, more product types

About Podia

Podia is an online course platform and learning management system (LMS) designed to help creators monetize their online businesses. 

Podia homepage

It enables the sale of courses, memberships, and digital downloads, such as ebooks, audiobooks, and PDFs.

Beyond these core functions, Podia offers additional course-creation features, including webinars and basic community-building tools. It also provides marketing capabilities, such as email campaigns, to support and promote the courses and products being sold.

Read the detailed Podia Review to learn more about this online platform. 

Podia Pros: 

Let’s look at the Pros of Podia first: 


Podia Cons:

  •  No course marketplace
  •  No phone support
  •  Third-party interference

About Teachable

Teachable is an online platform where anyone can make and sell courses about various subjects. It was created in 2014 to help make learning more interesting and interactive. Teachable handles the technical parts, like keeping the website running and managing how students pay for courses.

This allows teachers to concentrate on creating their courses and deciding how they want to teach.

The platform gives teachers control over their content and how they teach. Teachers can design their courses however they like, choosing what to teach and how to present it.

It also provides tools for teachers to communicate with their students, answer questions, and give feedback. It helps teachers keep track of how students are doing, which is important for understanding their progress.

Teachable is also a place where students can find a wide range of courses. They can learn new skills or subjects they are interested in from different teachers. The platform makes it easy for students to enroll in courses and learn on their own. We have also shared a review of Teachable which covers all the features, benefits, pros and cons in detail. 

Teachable Pros:

Teachable Cons:

Podia vs Teachable: User Interface

The user interface of a website is essential. It is the first thing the consumer sees when he opens the site or platform, and it creates the first impression.

And, as everyone knows, the first impression is the last, so having an impressive and appealing user interface is essential if you want to attract the most significant number of customers.


Podia has an excellent UI/UX platform. When you first open and log in to Podia, you can create a membership, an online course, or a digital download.

 When you first log in to Podia, you’re greeted with straightforward options to create a membership, an online course, or a digital download. This makes it super simple to get started with whatever project you have in mind.

As you dive into creating your course, you’ll find that adding new lessons and sections is a breeze.

The platform allows you to design and organize your course content in a way that’s both fun and intuitive. What’s great about Podia is its user-friendly interface, which is easy to understand and use. This means you won’t find yourself getting lost or confused, allowing you to focus more on the creative aspects of teaching and sharing your knowledge.


The welcome screen is the first thing you see when you log into Teachable. You must click the sidebar or the submenu to access the desired features.

Finding the features you want in Teachable only takes a minute because, like Podia, you get an organized, intuitive, and logical arrangement of all the available elements.

The user interface is visually appealing and invites you to work on it.

Verdict: Both the Podia and teachable platforms have an equally well-centric UI that is visually appealing and simple. Furthermore, the majority of the features are nearly identical. As a result, no one wins the interface war, which is a tie.

Podia vs Teachable: Course Creation

The main feature of both platforms is course creation, as the primary goal of creating these platforms was to provide people with a website/platform where they can easily buy, sell, and create various online teaching courses.


In Podia, all you have to do to create new content is enter some details, and you will be redirected to a tool that will assist you in creating a curriculum.

You can also divide the course into sections or subsections, experiment with different videos on different subjects, and so on. You can improve it by including various files, links, texts, quizzes, sections, and other questions to assess students’ knowledge and comprehension.

You can also configure an option to send email notifications and reminders to your customers or users to keep them up to date on new courses.

In Podia, you also get the drip content feature.

Aside from that, there are numerous other innovative and creative features available.


Teachable, like Podia, has a drip content feature.

You can drip sections of various courses to ensure that students only binge-watch some things. In addition to Podia’s features, such as quizzes, videos, sections, and coupon code features, Teachable has many other features.

It provides course compliance, a certificate mechanism where the user receives an inbuilt certification of the course to track progress, and many other features.

Verdict – Both Podia and Teachable offer many similar features, but Teachable provides the user with many additional features that are simple and creative. As a result, Teachable is the clear winner in course creation.

Podia vs Teachable: Digital Products


With their all-in-one solution, you can create courses and memberships and also sell digital products with ease. Every product has its own dedicated sales page where customers can view information about the product and make purchases. With Podia, you can easily create and manage your digital products with no technical knowledge needed.

You have full control over pricing, marketing campaigns, and analytics for each product. Plus, the platform is completely customizable to fit the needs of your business.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced entrepreneur, Podia provides everything you need to start selling digital products.


Teachable lacks features like digital product delivery and other important features that are necessary to ensure successful sales of digital products.

You would be better off using other eCommerce solutions to facilitate the sale of digital products. These services offer a range of features to help you manage the delivery, promotion, and security of your digital products.

They also provide analytics to help track your sales performance accurately.

In addition, they provide tools to customize the product pages so that they look professional and inviting for customers. With these solutions, you can reach more customers by providing them with the best possible experience when buying your digital products.

With the right eCommerce solution, you can make sure that all aspects of selling digital products are taken care of, and you can focus on growing your business.

Teachable vs Podia: Customization


Podia provides its users with an excellent editor that allows you to customize various aspects of your site. Customization is a critical aspect and feature because it distinguishes your content from that of others.

Podia also allows you to personalize the look of your storefront, sales page, and upsell page. However, the widgets and customization tools that Podia provides to its customers are far more varied and limited than teachable.


Teachable comes with a pre-installed theme. Aside from that, you can experiment with fonts, colors, logos, and buttons. You also get a mighty editor to edit pages like the sales, delivery, and checkout pages.

Teachable also provides an out-of-the-box editing feature that allows you to customize the files directly, giving designers and developers much more freedom to play and experiment with their designs.

Verdict: Although both have excellent editors and design systems, Teachable’s editing feature gives it a significant advantage.

Teachable has far more advanced and superior customization and design options than Podia. Aside from that, teachers’ choices and features are far more accessible and simpler to use than podia.

As a result, Teachable wins in the battle of customization.

Teachable vs Podia: Checkout Process


Podia’s checkout process is exceptionally well-optimized and straightforward to use. When users pay for the course they want to apply for, the platform prompts them to create an account and remains them if necessary.

Furthermore, with the help of various embedded techniques, they learn about the users’ location and automatically calculate the VAT based on their country and currency.

Podia, unlike Teachable, has a multi-step payment process in which the consumer is directed to the payment page after providing all of the necessary information.


Teachable, like Podia, has an easy-to-use checkout process. It requests that customers first pay and then create an account.

However, unlike Podia, it has a one-step checkout process in which customers are asked to fill out their information and pay on the same page. You can also include conversion-boosting elements such as testimonials, product assurance, and a money-back guarantee.

Verdict – They both provide a similar method of checking out with the slightest variation. As a result, they are nearly identical.

Teachable vs Podia: Third-Party Integrations

Teachable and Podia can integrate with third-party services like email marketing tools, payment gateways, and analytics platforms.


Teachable offers direct integration with MailChimp, ConvertKit, Google Analytics, SUMO, Zapier, Facebook Pixel, and more email marketing tools, payment processors, and more. 

Teachable’s API allows developers to create custom signup forms, modify course pricing structures and more.


 Podia integrates natively with a larger selection of third-party services, including MailChimp, ConvertKit, Drip, Aweber, ActiveCampaign, GetResponse, and MailerLite.

Podia integration option

By integrating with third-party services, users of both platforms can easily set up newsletters and email automation to keep their audience informed about new content or offerings.

They also accept payments from various sources by integrating payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe.

Furthermore, users can connect to analytics tools such as Google Analytics and Mixpanel to track the performance of their courses.

Podia’s API features comprehensive data access, making it easy for developers to sync customer information with other platforms, automate customer communication, and integrate with other third-party services.

With the help of these APIs, developers can customize their platforms to fit their unique needs.

Teachable vs Podia: Site Builder


You have no control over the appearance of your header, toolbar, navigation bar, buttons, or other elements in the podia. All. You can change the font color, size, and other available features.

You also get free hosting and SSL as part of your subscription. The page builders are straightforward to use, and they also include the option of adding a prebuilt page with a single click.


Teachable also has features that are similar to podia in some ways. When you create an account on the teachable platform, you will receive a free SSL certificate and hosting.

The teachable team also assists and supports you in maintenance, security, and backup. The platform does not offer a wide range of site themes.

You will be given a default template that you can use to edit and customize your pages. Its page builder is so simple that even inexperienced users can use it.

Compared to Podia, the text editor provided by Teachable is slightly better as you have more formatting options and can play with the text font, size, and color, as well as insert an image in between, which is not possible with Podia.

Verdict – Considering the features and options provided by Teachable and Podia, both are nearly identical in the website builder they provide.

Sometimes, one differs in some ways, but this is offset by the benefits the other provides. As a result, according to us, they both weigh the same on the site builder’s scale.

Podia vs Teachable: Email Marketing


When it comes to email integration, Podia offers more options than Teachable. With Podia, you can connect with your email service provider directly and use their built-in automation tools to trigger emails based on customer behavior or specific events. This allows for a much higher degree of customization when sending marketing emails.


On the other hand, Teachable only offers basic email integration, letting you add a few snippets of code to your emails and track customer activity. This can be useful for simple newsletters or transactional emails but lacks the advanced capabilities offered by Podia.

Podia is the better option if you’re looking for comprehensive email automation tools and customization options. However, Teachable is a good choice if you’re looking for basic email integration capabilities. Ultimately, the choice will come down to your specific needs and requirements.

Teachable vs Podia: Pricing Comparison


Podia offers four plans that suit businesses according to their requirements. Out of this, one of them is a free one, whereas the other three have monthly and yearly subscriptions. 


Free Plan – No free plan available 

Paid Plan  – Podia offers three different varieties in its paid plan –

USAGE LIMITS – All the plans given above offer the following:

Teachable Pricing

You can try Teachable for 14 days for free. You will receive a full refund if you cancel your plan within the first 30 days. Besides this, Teachable offers three pricing plans with monthly and yearly subscriptions: 

Each Teachable plan includes the following features:

  • Unlimited video uploads, course creation, hosting, and student enrollment
  • Access to integrated payment processing
  • Student management feature
  • Students can leave comments on your lectures in a designated comments box
  • Basic quizzes 
  • No additional charge for selling your “Free” courses
  • Automatic VAT calculation for EU users

The following are the plans:

Basic: $39 per month (annual) and $59 per month (month)

You can offer courses and live coaching with this package, and you have access to

  • A members-only community
  • Instant payouts
  • You can register two admins
  • Email support
  • Course creator training 
  • You can use your custom domain 
  • You can create coupon codes for customers to use
  • You can drip-feed course content
  • You get access to integrated email marketing
  • Access to third-party integrations

Pro: $119 per month (monthly) and $99 per month (annual)

Transaction costs are eliminated under this plan. You get everything stated in the Basic plan, along with the below-mentioned features:

  • Priority product support
  • You can grade quizzes
  • Advanced reports
  • An unbranded website
  • You can issue course completion certificates
  • Course compliance
  • An integrated affiliate marketing platform
  • You can register five admins

Pro+: $199 per month (annually) and $249 per month (monthly)

This adds up everything pro plan and

  • Manual student imports
  • You can register 5 admins
  • Bulk student enrollments 
  • You can set custom user roles
  • Advanced theme customization through developer access
  • You can host group coaching calls.

Verdict –  Both are tied.

Teachable vs Podia: Customer Support

Customer support is one thing that can help you make an impression and keep it even after they use your services. It is a crucial element of teaching platforms and all platforms available.


Podia gives chat help to everyone, no matter what plan they choose. It’s not exactly live chat, but usually, you’ll get an answer from their team within 5 to 10 minutes when they are working.



Teachable provides free email support to all its customers regardless of plan, but to receive live chat support, you must have a professional project or a plan above it. The average wait time for customers is 12 – 20 minutes.

Verdict – Based on the findings above, Podia customer support is much more active and friendly, and you get it all for free. Aside from that, it provides an on-site question-and-answer platform to help answer your whats, hows, and whys.

Podia vs Teachable on Quora:

Final Verdict on Teachable vs Podia

We looked at Teachable and Podia to see what they offer. Both are good, but they have different strong points.

Teachable is great if you want to teach with quizzes, certificates, and reports. It helps students learn better. If these tools are important for your courses, Teachable is the better choice. You can try Teachable for free for 30 days.

Podia is better for making a membership site. It’s also cheaper than Teachable. You can try Podia for free for 14 days without giving your credit card details.

Both Teachable and Podia are similar in making websites and in sales and marketing.

I hope you enjoyed our comparison of Podia vs. Teachable. Let us know your thoughts below.

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