
How Do You Find Course On Teachable 2024 | The Ultimate Guide To Teachable

If you are having trouble on how to find course on Teachable that fits your aptitude and your interests, and if you don’t understand what is best for you, or even if you are just confused between so many options. We will help you! You do not have to stress about anything, we have got you covered.

This platform will make sure that you don’t face any problems and choose the correct course for yourself.

We have already given an in-depth review about Teachable. To know more about Teachable Review click here.

Using Teachable you can open your door to various opportunities and let knowledge and education enter through. Teachable is an award-winning platform, that provides assistance to all educators and it supports all sorts of subjects, from coding to make up. Everything can be taught and learned here.

We have made these questions for you to grasp what this blog has for you:

  • What are the Teachable Courses?
  • Can you make money with teachable?
  • Why Finding the Right Course is Helpful?
  • How to find the right course for yourself?
  • How to narrow down the category of the course you are looking for?
  • What are the Benefits of acquiring knowledge online with Teachable?
  • What is the pricing plan of Teachable?
  • What are the features of it?
  • What are the Pros and Cons of Online Courses on Teachable?



Teachable is a course management platform. Teachable is a platform for both learners and tutors to share knowledge.

Teachable permits you to create and make courses at your own will and of your own genre and can also choose the courses which you want to study. Making courses have steps that are easy to follow!

Teachable Courses 2024: Overview

Teachable is a platform that provides both the educator and the student a place to learn and teach. They allow you to create courses of your choice to teach and select the courses that you want to study.

They aim at building a teacher-student relationship online without any trouble. Anybody can learn what others already know. You can effortlessly acquire the knowledge that people on Teachable has to offer. 

One can convert their knowledge into an amazing teacher’s business. No matter what is your age you can learn through Teachable, you’re never too young or never too old to gain knowledge.

It is open for anybody and everybody to acquire the latest skills. If you want to learn about modern technology and you are in your 50s they will make it possible for you.

Education doesn’t have an age limit and nor does learning. No matter who you are or where you live, using Teachable you can make a huge difference in your life. Learning is the path to success.

Our platform creates happiness three-way, the educators and the teachers will be really happy and in profit if students come and acquire the knowledge that they possess and grow in their lives.

Seeing that they are filling so many lives with joy and prosperity they will feel achieved too and their team will be extremely happy to know that they are helping people make a change.

It is a situation in which everyone gets to win.  So let’s get started and know here how do you find course on Teachable?

About Courses Available on Teachable

They have a variety of courses available, their library is huge and full of information waiting to be imparted.

From the arts to science and literally everything in between is there for you all to learn and build new skills.

You must start your learning today as we have more courses available than you can complete. Every step that you take should be towards a greater level of education and understanding.

Using Teachable you can talk and communicate with your educator and clear your doubts if you have any and always stay open in communication. 

As there is a saying that teamwork will make your dream work, here at Teachable they will make this saying come true, while working in a team with your amazing mentor you can make way to achieving your dreams. 

Their wide options will help you learn your passion and be successful in it.

Listing the numerous courses they have will take more than a night.

Fitness, singing, dancing, baking their tutors teach everything. And it is all available in a single platform which is very easy to access.

Why Finding the Right Course is Helpful?

Finding the right course is really important for your journey towards achieving a career in the field of your passion. 

Choosing the right course is really important if you start studying a subject that you are not really interested in or passionate about, you won’t be able to study and everything that you will do will feel like you are forced to do so.

You might end up spending money on a subject that you don’t wanna continue learning about which will lead to loss of money and even time as you will waste time on a course that doesn’t attract you.

It will also lead to you wasting a lot of energy and effort unnecessarily that is not really good and it won’t bring any good outcome or result for you. 

So choosing the appropriate course or subject is really essential.

How to find the right course for yourself?

First, look into your strengths and skills that you already have and look at the course or subject options available that match your goals and strengths. This will help you determine what can you do and what are your possibilities.

This will help you to narrow down your possibilities and start researching the selected courses or subjects.

Always research, it is really important to explore and research all available options to know and understand about the course or the subject and it will also help you know what all you will learn in a specific course or subject and about the rates of various courses.

You can also look up to the options that will open up with specific courses or subjects, and what all you can do once you learn a particular skill.

For example: if you learn cooking what all will you be able to make and cook and how can you use it to your advantage.

Finding a course that you are passionate about is something that is very important if you are not interested in your course or if you don’t find it exciting enough you will not be able to successfully complete it and use it for your benefit. 

Things that will fascinate and amuse you will make you have a better interest and will lead you on a path of great learning and development with amazing outcomes.

How to narrow down the category of the course we are looking for?

Who, what, where, why, when, and how.

For example who am I?

-What are my strengths

-What is my goal?

-Why would I choose a specific category?

-When can I study the course? ( timings)

-How will I perform in a certain category,?

Benefits of acquiring knowledge online with Teachable 

Everything is possible with Teachable.

  • Using Teachable and it’s online courses you can control your education and learn in your preferable ways.
  • You can learn even if you are working and having a job, your workstation can also be your own learning place with Teachable. 
  • It will also help you connect with people who are living on the other side of the globe as you are. You can make new friends and learn about their culture as well, having a friend in another country will definitely help if you travel to his or her country and you might end up having a great long-distance friend with the same goals as yours. 
  • All the pdfs, documents, and notes will safely stay recorded digitally at one platform and you will never have to worry about losing your hard copies of your important notes and worry at the end moment. 
  • In the proper classrooms, there are chances that you don’t receive the attention that you require and you might end up getting distracted by other students. But using Teachable you can easily focus on what they teach and they will focus on what you are learning. 
  • Online education saves a lot of time and energy, you don’t have to wait for your next lesson on the campus you can easily use your break time at home doing something productive or sleep literally. And it will save a great amount of energy as you are in your space and you don’t have to get ready and travel to some other place to learn, you can just sit inside your blanket in a cozy environment and study with your comfort.
  • Everything is easier, as you don’t have to travel you can avoid all the humidity, the cold outside and the bad roads after rainfall. All you need to do is start your device and begin with a course on Teachable.
  • As everything will be online it will be simpler to connect with teachers, you don’t have to wait for a full day to go and attend a class and ask your doubts, you can just message your teacher and he or she will reply to you and solve your issue.
  • Again no travelling, you can learn from a person who is sitting in a different country and easily have access to him or her and gain the knowledge they hold.

Pricing of Teachable

Teachable offers plans for two durations, monthly and annually, and has three types of plans basic, pro and business

Monthly plans:

Basic plan: 

It costs $39 per month or 2,928.52 Indian rupees per month.

This plan comprises of basic functions that are an endless number of learners, the transaction fee is just 5%, you can create communities that are available for the members that have opted for your course. Also, you can save some bucks on Teachable by clicking here.

You can receive payments instantly, you can create primary owners, owners, and even authors if needed, you also get the option of product support, if you want you can also opt for the course for the creator.

This plan also has a feature in which you can create a custom domain support option, you can also promote your course using the email marketing option.

You can also promote on third-party applications such as Facebook and Google, etc. 

Pro plan: 

It costs $119 per month or 8,935.15 Indian rupees per month.

This plan has all the above-mentioned features that the basic plan has and with all that it has numerous more features. 

If you opt for this plan you are free from the transaction fee, in the basic plan you have two owners and in this plan, you can assign five authors or owners.

You also get priority support, and you can conduct various quizzes, we will also provide you with great reports that will give you details about your learners and many more things.

This plan will also help you in marketing with it’s integrated affiliate marketing feature.

Business plan: 

It costs $299 per month or 22,445.26 Indian rupees per month.

The business plan contains all the features that are in the pro plan and more additional features which are just great.

In this plan, you can create 20 admins, you can also manually give reports to your students, only this plan will allow you to admit students in bulk.

You can also assign roles to your members, there is a great option that will allow you to create amazing themes and make your course look exceptional.

Yearly plans:

Basic plan:

It has all the above mention basic plans features.

It costs $29 per month and the billing is yearly or 2,176.89 Indian rupees per month with yearly billing.

Pro plan:

It comprises of the above-mentioned plans that are written in the pro plan.

It costs $99 per month with annual billing or 7,430.22 Indian rupees per month with annual billing.

Business plan:

It has all the above-mentioned business plan features and specifications.

It costs $249 per month and the billing is annual or 18,688.76 Indian rupees per month with annual billing.

All the plans have some basic features which are listed below:

You can post endless videos, courses, and host a limitless number of times, you can easily regulate and supervise your students, your learners can provide you with comments if needed.

You can conduct quizzes, VAT added if in the European Union.

We also offer great features using which you can decide which plan is perfect for you:

You can run tests that will help you decide the perfect plan, and if you still have issues you can also contact their support team and they will help you choose the correct plan which is made for your needs. 

You can even compare plans on our Teachable website and decide for yourself which plan suits your requirements and budget the best.

Pros and Cons of Online Courses on Teachable

All platforms have their own pros and cons and so does Teachable


  • Things are very convenient with Teachable.
  • Online courses offer time management, you can select preferable times and learn when you want to.
  • Studying online helps you get knowledge at your house in your own comfort zone in bed or the place where you want to. It can be a park too.
  • They allow you to make friends from across the globe and meet interesting people and learn better with them.
  • You get extra selective attention from your tutors which will help you learn and focus better.
  • You can acquire all real society skills. 
  • People of any age can learn anytime and anywhere, with their own pace and understanding level.
  • The costs are comparatively lower than traditional classes cost, which will help enthusiastic learners with low budgets to learn at ease.
  • Taking classes online will help you be disciplined on your own at home as you will automatically get into a routine.
  • It helps you to connect with people worldwide, your tutor could be anywhere and you can learn from a totally different place.


  • They lead to procrastination. People might get lazy and not attend classes on time.
  • If you don’t have time management skills it might be difficult for you.
  • People might feel very isolated as the physical connection decreases.
  • To stay focused you are required to be a very active learner and a great listener if you can’t be one it might cause issues in focusing and learning.

Teachable Alternative 


LearnDash is an interesting option in contrast to Teachable on the grounds that it’s a module for WordPress. In the event that you as of now have a WordPress site, you can execute course usefulness with LearnDash without beginning again without any preparation.

LearnDash gives you perpetual adaptability with your course creation, because of the open idea of the WordPress stage. You likewise get a lot of opportunities to make a custom learning the executive’s framework that works for you and your understudies.


Despite the fact that Teachable is an incredible instrument, it needs to include different organizations, for example, Podia give. With Podia, you can get to cutting-edge course creation strategies, including multi-media address backing, video and sound exercises, and staggering course players.

Podia additionally dominates in offering a wide scope of instruments for enrollment destinations. You can make singular oddball posts for your crowd and associate with clients through the live visits. There’s likewise the alternative to install purchase catches on outside sites to make it simpler to drive more understudies back to your e-learning stage. You can also, check Podia vs Teachable detailed comparision.


Udemy receives an out and out various technique to online guidance than Teachable. Functional licenses you to make and sell a course under your picture, while Udemy gives you induction to an earlier business place. You sell courses under the “Udemy” flag and drive close to no mindfulness in regards to your own electronic presence.

Udemy is an unprecedented choice for teachers just start on the web. Since you’re posting your activities on a working business community, you will undoubtedly find customers. You can in a brief instant increment the thought of a colossal group. Udemy is free for educators to use, anyway you do confer half of all your pay to Udemy


Thinkific is unfathomable web based preparing stage spilling over with features like tweaked errands, neighborhood, and advanced tests. Those are all that you don’t get from Teachable. Thinkific and Teachable have covered some similar to accommodation, anyway Thinkific is lacking concerning induction to an email exhibiting and pipe designer.

Regardless, not in any manner like Teachable, Thinkific offers induction to various sorts clearly content, including video, PDFs, and text tests. You can spill your course content out as time goes on and collect a custom site for your tutoring picture.

The Story behind the Growth of Teachable:

In 2014, Teachable’s customers made under $1 million. In 2015, it jumped to $6 million and in 2016, it grew 5x to almost $30 million generated on their platform:

Where is this growth coming from?

1. An increase in every single instructor’s success rate.

2. A massive increase in the volume of students and courses both.

FAQs: How Do You Find Course On Teachable?

✅ What if I am unhappy with the course on Teachable?

We will be extremely disappointed with ourselves if you don't like the course, but please make sure that you are choosing the correct course as the fee of courses are not refundable.

👉Are there free courses available on Teachable?

Yes, some tutors offer free courses you can access them easily on Teachable.

⚡ How do I know which plan is best for me on Teachable?

We provide a feature on a site using which you can easily compare plans and select the best option for you. You can also contact our team or take a test to determine the perfect plan for you.

👊Teachable Review: Is This the Best Choice in 2021

After a lot of research, we can say that Teachable is a really good choice. This platform has some features that cannot be matched with any of its competitors.

🙎‍♂️How do teachable payments work?

Teachable Payments processes transactions directly to your bank account through Stripe, according to the timetable established by the main owner of your school. On working days (excluding weekends and US banking holidays), transactions are settled in the currency denomination of the linked bank account.

🤦‍♂️What Makes Teachable Different than Other Providers?

Teachable has better pricing options and customizing tools as compared to all of its competitors.

👍🏻 Is Teachable mobile-friendly?

Yes, it is. Students may explore, purchase, and even finish their courses completely from their cellphones using the Teachable app.

🙇🏻Who is Teachable for?

Teachable is for anyone who wishes to learn. No matter whether you are a novice or an expert, you will get courses for everyone here.

⭐️Is Teachable suitable for beginners?

Yes, it is. In fact, it Is highly recommended for beginners.

⚡️How do I promote teachable courses?

These couple of steps may help – Step – 1: Utilize social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to spread the word about your course. Step – 2: Create video material for YouTube in order to reintroduce people to your course.

☀️Is Teachable easy to learn?

Teachable makes it very simple to get started. It's intuitive, makes it simple to submit videos, and makes it simple to build landing pages for your courses. Their website builder is drag-and-drop friendly, and there are some excellent possibilities for blogging and extending the page beyond the courses.

🌻What kind of courses are there on Teachable?

They have courses on various stuff like – yoga, fitness Bootcamp, paper flower, cakes, sketch, acrylic pouring, hand lettering, etc.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: How Do You Find a Course On Teachable?

Teachable is a great platform for both learners and tutors, they provide top-class facilities in a single place where people can share their great knowledge and education with excited and enthusiastic learners. Their facilities aim at creating real-life experiences online using quizzes, reports cards, etc.

They believe that education and knowledge must be spread across the world, as much as possible it must grow and at Teachable they make things possible and dreams come true.

Anybody can learn anything and everything at this platform and acquire a great number of skills and abilities.

You don’t have to be of a specific age or live in a certain region to learn from this amazing platform.

Using their features and their exceptional plans you can easily learn or teach the way you want to.

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