
What is Cart Abadonment?

You might have often heard cart abandonment in eCommerce. So, what does Cart abandonment mean and what are the common reasons for cart abandonment?

Read here to find out.

What is Cart Abandonment?

When a potential consumer begins the checkout process for an online order but abandons it before completing the transaction, this is known as shopping cart abandonment.

what is cart abandoment in ecommerce

Any item that a shopper adds to their shopping basket but never completes the transaction is labelled “abandoned.” Shopping cart abandonment is a critical component of the online shopping experience that companies monitor closely.

The total number of completed transactions is divided by the total number of transactions that began to get the shopping cart abandonment rate. This rate determines what percentage of a website’s users indicate buying intent by adding an item to their cart but do not finish the transaction.

The cart abandonment rate is an important indicator for eCommerce sites to monitor because a high rate can indicate a bad user experience or a broken sales funnel. Because lowering shopping cart abandonment leads to increased sales and profitability, many online merchants are focusing on improving their checkout processes.

Why does Cart Abandonment happen?

Source: Salecycle

Every eCommerce store is unique, but the following are some typical difficulties that cause cart abandonment on many sites:


eCommerce loses more than $18 billion every year due to abandonment. As a result, lowering the expenses of shopping cart abandonment is critical. You can read our article on how to reduce cart abandonment and increase purchases.


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